Welcome you all to my new blog. As a first time Mom it is a hard but a rewarding job you can have. Let's explore the world of a first time parents. Let's help each other and hopefully my blog can show you some ways how to cope with this new transition of your life. Our kids are the most precious gift we can have and we want to make sure we give them the right tools to help them grow as a good individual. Please don't hesitate to leave a message and ask questions to help each other to grow as better parents for our kids. I'll do what I can to answer or talk about the topic you want through my experiences and my daily life as a new Mom.
happy Birthday to you son. He's cute.
You have a very handsome son there Ria. I hope he has many many more happy birthdays
Happy Birthday to your son :)
belated happy 2nd birthday to your son gwapa..
you are blessed :)
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